DEEP DIVE - The Abundant Life
June 4th and 11th
9:30am PDT

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy.
I came that they may have life and have it abundantly.
John 10:10

The opposite of abundance is depleted, insufficient, lacking, meager, needy, wanting, scarce, sparse.

Reading these words makes me want so much more for us - to live the life Jesus promised us and not settle for less.

I personally think the secret to living the abundant life starts with spending time with Jesus.

We’ll spend two Saturday mornings taking a deep dive into growing in our personal quiet times together, with the aim of knowing Him more.

These gatherings will be held on Saturday, 6/4 and Saturday, 6/11 at 9:30 am PDT (please check your time zone) and will be about 1-1.5 hours each.

We will send out an audio replay for anyone who is unable to join the calls live.

On Saturday June 4th, I will share some encouragement and practical help with you, while we open the Word together. And of course there will be some music. 😊

There will be a mid-week check-in where you will be invited to email me something you’ve learned. These will be complied and shared with the group (with your permission). 

Then on Saturday June 11th, there will be more teaching and music, as well as time built in for us to share with one another.

I hope you can join me!

If you would like to donate to the scholarship fund or request a scholarship, please email us at with “Scholarship” in the subject line.